Doulas & COVID-19

The last two weeks have been such a whirlwind, taking us from our normal routines to a full shelter-in-place order. With this post, I hope to share information and strategies to support you in the weeks ahead.

Memorial Hospital, St. Joseph’s/Candler, and Winn Army Medical Center hospitals here in the Savannah area are currently only allowing one support person to accompany someone in labor. Unfortunately, this person cannot return to the floor if they leave, and can not switch out with other support people. The Midwife Group & Birth Center is allowing one support person, but includes a doula as a part of the care team in addition to that support person. These policies come from the best intentions of protecting families and their babies, but present challenges of their own.

My greatest concern at this time is postpartum mental health. We know that when we are in times of high stress, our bodies produce more cortisol. When cortisol levels are high, we are more likely to perceive events as traumatic. Birth trauma arises from real or perceived trauma in birth.

So what can we do?

There are a few ways your doula can help support you in your birth experience, even when they cannot be physically present in the delivery room.

1) Prenatal Support

So much of a doula’s work is in the prenatal period, where we help educate and empower our clients about their options in their care during pregnancy and birth. These meetings are used to answer questions, help you decide your birth preferences, learn comfort techniques, process fears, and so much more! The great thing is, these meetings can happen virtually! Your doula is a birth encyclopedia, cheerleader, and listening ear for you. I personally also offer standalone prenatal consultations to provide this support to any pregnant individual, even outside of my service area.

2) Labor Support

Wait, you just said you weren’t able to be in the delivery room? While this may be true, most labor support begins at home! In fact, medical professionals are encouraging families to labor at home as long as possible to reduce your risk of exposure. Doulas are of course experts in labor support, but what many people do not realize is that we can tell how far along someone is in their labor journey based on their emotions, coping strategies, and sounds - meaning that we can help you decide when to head to your birth location.

3) Virtual Support

Once you are at your birth location, your doula can continue to provide support via text, phone, or video chat. We can provide verbal, emotional, and spiritual support, as well as instructing the people who are with you physically in comfort measures to support your labor.

4) Postpartum Support

Similar to prenatal support, your doula is available to answer questions, educate on postpartum life and baby care, provide emotional support, provide encouragement, and referrals to other resources. Your postpartum time can be challenging, especially in this time of uncertainty and social isolation. Your doula can help you build a support network for you and your new family to help you thrive!

BONUS: Childbirth Education

In addition to being a doula, I am also a childbirth educator. I am now offering the same award-winning, evidence-based childbirth education series I teach in person as an online course! The course consists of podcasts, videos, a course journal, and live sessions with me to answer questions and learn comfort measures. Your course also includes access to Prepared Feeding, an infant feeding course taught by an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant). Learn more here.

I hope this post serves to soothe some anxieties, and explains how your doula can still support you in this tumultuous time. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me!

For further information, visit:

Evidence Based Birth: Coronavirus COVID-19

Birth Monopoly: COVID-19 and Doula Support

My Doula Bag - Updated

A few years ago, I posted about my doula bag and it’s contents. Things have changed since then, and I wanted to re-write the post to tell you about it. I’m still using my ZUCA bag; it’s compact but has plenty of room for my supplies. The double wheels make it roll easily and quietly, and handle steps and curbs with ease. Also, the top of the bag is a seat, that I’ve found very handy at the side of a hospital bed or sitting behind a laboring person on the birth ball.

I purchased the organizing pouches that fit in the ZUCA to keep things neat and accessible. First up is the largest pouch that sits on the bottom of the bag. This one isn’t too exciting, it’s my personal bag. These items come in handy for long births when I need to freshen up.

Personal Pouch

*Full Change of Clothes

*Brush & hair ties

*Toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash

*Wisp toothbrushes



*Saline spray & artificial tears (hospitals are very dry!)

Fairly self explanatory, the next pouch is my Snack Pouch. These are mostly for me, but sometimes are helpful if the family didn’t pack any or labor is moving quickly. This pouch also holds mints and hard candies, to freshen breaths and soothe dry mouths. I also like to have Awake Chocolate for a caffeine boost when I can’t get a cup of coffee or tea.

Now we get to the fun stuff, all the doula tools and tricks! I’ll explain each of these as we go.

Environment Pouch

*Battery operated candles - these are a great way to calm the room, turning down the lights increases melatonin, which has a synergistic effect with oxytocin!

*Washcloths - hospital washcloths are scratchy and sterile white. I bring soft, colorful ones for my clients. These little touches make a big difference!

*Ice bag - if cool cloths aren’t enough, or the laboring person wants cold on their back or hips

*Contact solution & lens case - again, hospitals are very dry and this is an item easily forgotten by clients and their support people

*Honey sticks - I use these to give laboring people or a woozy support person a quick boost.

*Acupressure bands - these are great for points in the wrists, especially P6 for nausea.

Remedies Pouch

*Rescue remedy tincture & pastilles - these are a great way to soothe an anxious laboring person or support people!

*Calm, Focus, and Tummy drops from Calm-A-Mama - I don’t use these often, but I have them for my clients to use at their discretion.

*TENS unit and accessories - this is a great tool for early labor! Read more about it in this post.

*Essential oils, carrier oil, and gauze squares - there are a few oils that are useful for labor when used with discretion. I rarely put them directly on the laboring person, as their sense of smell is very sensitive, and I want to be able to get the smell out of the room if needed. These are in the clear packing pouch and sit on top of the other items in this pouch.

Labor Tools

These are the items I use at nearly every birth I attend, so they reside in the small pouch right on top.

*Unscented lotion - I use Lubriderm since it is so lightweight and non-greasy. and I am not allergic to it. My clients tend to want a lot of massage, counter pressure, and/or acupressure, so this gets used quite frequently! I also have a little tube of magnesium lotion, which is great for leg cramps.

*Tennis balls & massage tools - these help me save my strength when moms want massage or counter pressure for long periods of time.

*Saline spray & artificial tears - another set, this one for my clients! Hospital air is so dry, and dry eyes or noses are annoying in day-to-day life, but even more so in labor!

*New chapstick - dry lips are really common in labor, especially when laboring people are coping with deep breathing or moans and groans.

*New hair ties and clips - a flyaway hair is a nuisance, especially in labor!

*Bendy straws - a doula staple! It’s so important for laboring people to stay hydrated, but it is hard to drink out of a cup in some labor positions.

Whew! We made it through all the pouches! Lastly, I have a few items that ride loose in my doula bag, or in the interior pockets.

*Rebozo - an incredible tool! Rebozos have an amazing history and have been used for centuries to comfort pregnant people and those in labor. If you want to learn more, come to a class! The wooden spoon goes along with this in order to make hip squeezes easier!

*Phone charger - I have to stay in contact with my family, and occasionally other clients. I also use my phone to look techniques or positions up when I’m out of ideas!

*Reference materials - these are great when I want to share a technique with a nurse or support person before trying it, or when I need new ideas.

*Thank you notes - I love to give a little note to great nurses and providers! Personal connections matter, and I’ve made friendships with nurses from this small gesture.

*Business cards - always good to have on hand!

*Lactation keychain - the bead on this keychain represents the stomach of a newborn. It is a great tool to help encourage moms who are concerned about babies’ small, frequent feedings.

That’s it! I hope this blog was helpful to you. I would love to know what your favorite tool or trick in your bag is, so leave a comment below!

Standards & Scope

There is no one, single definition of the scope of a doula. Each doula training organization defines these for themselves. These are the standards, scope, and other information from the organizations I have trained and certified with. I am proud to be a part of these organizations, and honored to hold myself (and be held) to these standards.


New Beginnings

Statement of Professionalism

Scope and Standards

Code of Ethics


Principles of Service